How is Costa Rican Spanish Different from other Spanish Variants?
Spanish is spoken natively in at least 22 countries. How is Costa Rican Spanish distinct from all other Spanish dialects?
Spanish is spoken natively in at least 22 countries. How is Costa Rican Spanish distinct from all other Spanish dialects?
How can you best learn Mexican Spanish? Come along with us as we count the ways. ¡Órale!
What does ¡QUÉ CARGA! mean in Costa Rican Spanish? If you can figure it out, you are smarter than you think, as we will see in these examples.
In the 1995 movie Babe the little piglet had a major challenge: he needed to communicate with the sheep in order to win the sheep herding competition. The secret? The following password: “Baa-ram-ewe! Baa-ram-ewe! To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be true! Baa-ram-ewe.” And voilà! Suddenly, the sheep obediently followed his instructions. Babe became a champion! In the same way, when we learn a foreign language, we must also familiarize ourselves with country-specific vocabulary to convey our thoughts effectively with others.
To ask this most basic question in the English-speaking world is not as easy as you think. You must take into account the variety of English spoken in the country you are visiting. Depending on where you are, you might ask for a ...
You might imagine that the word for blonde in Spanish would be standard everywhere, but not so. To refer to a blonde, you would have to mention a ...
Our guides to Spanish are not meant to teach you basic vocabulary. Rather, we highlight the most common local words, idioms, and sayings that are spoken almost exclusively within the country you are visiting—all explained in plain English with examples and clear translations. Click on the links on the menu or read some of the latest posts below. If you do, we're confident that in short order you'll be feeling like an insider.