¡Qué carga!
What does ¡QUÉ CARGA! mean in Costa Rican Spanish? If you can figure it out, you are smarter than you think, as we will see in these examples.
05-13What does ¡QUÉ CARGA! mean in Costa Rican Spanish? If you can figure it out, you are smarter than you think, as we will see in these examples.
05-13Slang is peppered throughout everyday speech. What are some examples of slang in Costa Rican Spanish?
08-13What makes Costa Rican Spanish, well, Costa Rican? Come along as we explore 20 examples of local words, idioms, and sayings.
12-22What makes Mexican Spanish Mexican? Come along as we explore 20 examples of local words, idioms, and sayings
08-07How can you discover the way Costa Ricans really speak Spanish? Delve into this easy-to-read guide to tailor your Spanish to how it is spoken locally.
03-26Want to be the life of the party? Then check out these five Panamanian Spanish party terms.
09-27Nicaraguan Spanish has a different pronunciation. One characteristic of Nicaraguan Spanish pronunciation is the marked tendency to cut off word endings.
09-03What does RATERO mean in Mexican Spanish? Consider the following examples in their context.
05-13How can you best learn Mexican Spanish? Come along with us as we count the ways. ¡Órale!
05-18Looking for the definitive book on Mexican Spanish? Look no further.