Guatemalan Spanish

20 Ways to Speak Guatemalan Spanish
What are some of the most common words, phrases, and sayings in Guatemalan Spanish?
GOAT? Greatest of all time? Sure. But in this case, being goat-like is not what you might think.
Fall in Love with These Five Guatemalan Spanish Phrases
Falling in love is like a drug. What words are used in Guatemalan Spanish to express these feelings?
Five Guatemalan Sayings About Animals
Down on the farm: Learn five Guatemalan sayings about animals. We all love our pets. What has been their effect on Guatemalan sayings? Check it out.
How To Say "Pig" in Guatemalan Spanish
Down on the farm: Learn five Guatemalan sayings about animals. We all love our pets. What has been their effect on Guatemalan sayings? Check it out.
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